Source code for vcfpy.header

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Code for representing the VCF header part

The VCF header class structure is modeled after HTSJDK

import json
import pprint
import sys

from . import exceptions
from .warn_utils import WarningHelper

    from cyordereddict import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from collections import OrderedDict

__author__ = 'Manuel Holtgrewe <>'

# Tuples of valid entries -----------------------------------------------------
#: valid INFO value types
INFO_TYPES = ('Integer', 'Float', 'Flag', 'Character', 'String')
#: valid FORMAT value types
FORMAT_TYPES = ('Integer', 'Float', 'Character', 'String')
#: valid values for "Number" entries, except for integers
VALID_NUMBERS = ('A', 'R', 'G', '.')
#: header lines that contain an "ID" entry
LINES_WITH_ID = ('ALT', 'contig', 'FILTER', 'FORMAT', 'INFO', 'META',
                 'PEDIGREE', 'SAMPLE')

# Constants for "Number" entries ----------------------------------------------
#: number of alleles excluding reference
#: number of alleles including reference
#: number of genotypes
#: unbounded number of values

[docs]class FieldInfo: """Core information for describing field type and number""" def __init__(self, type_, number, description=None): #: The type, one of INFO_TYPES or FORMAT_TYPES self.type = type_ #: Number description, either an int or constant self.number = number #: Description for the header field, optional self.description = description def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(sorted(self.__dict__.items()))) def __str__(self): return 'FieldInfo({}, {}, {})'.format( *map(repr, [self.type, self.number, self.description])) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
# Reserved INFO keys ---------------------------------------------------------- #: Reserved fields for INFO from VCF v4.3 RESERVED_INFO = { # VCF v4.3, Section 1.6.1 'AA': FieldInfo('String', 1, 'Ancestral Allele'), 'AC': FieldInfo('Integer', 'A', 'Allele count in genotypes, for each ALT allele, in the ' 'same order as listed'), 'AD': FieldInfo('Integer', 'R', 'Total read depth for each allele'), 'ADF': FieldInfo('Integer', 'R', 'Forward read depth for each allele'), 'ADR': FieldInfo('Integer', 'R', 'Reverse read depth for each allele'), 'AF': FieldInfo('Float', 'A', 'Allele frequency for each ALT allele in the same order ' 'as listed: used for estimating from primary data not ' 'called genotypes'), 'AN': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Total number of alleles in called genotypes'), 'BQ': FieldInfo('Float', 1, 'RMS base quality at this position'), 'CIGAR': FieldInfo('String', 'A', 'CIGAR string describing how to align each ALT allele ' 'to the reference allele'), 'DB': FieldInfo('Flag', 0, 'dbSNP membership'), 'DP': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Combined depth across samples for small variants and ' 'Read Depth of segment containing breakend for SVs'), 'H2': FieldInfo('Flag', 0, 'Membership in HapMap 2'), 'H3': FieldInfo('Flag', 0, 'Membership in HapMap 3'), 'MQ': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'RMS mapping quality'), 'MQ0': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Number of MAPQ == 0 reads covering this record'), 'NS': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Number of samples with data'), 'SB': FieldInfo('Integer', 4, 'Strand bias at this position'), 'SOMATIC': FieldInfo('Flag', 0, 'Indicates that the record is a somatic mutation, ' 'for cancer genomics'), 'VALIDATED': FieldInfo('Flag', 0, 'Validated by follow-up experiment'), '1000G': FieldInfo('Flag', 0, 'Membership in 1000 Genomes'), # VCF v4.3, Section 3 'IMPRECISE': FieldInfo('Flag', 0, 'Imprecise structural variation'), 'NOVEL': FieldInfo('Flag', 0, 'Indicates a novel structural variation'), 'END': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'End position of the variant described in this record ' '(for symbolic alleles)'), 'SVTYPE': FieldInfo('String', 1, 'Type of structural variant'), 'SVLEN': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Difference in length between REF and ALT alleles'), 'CIPOS': FieldInfo('Integer', 2, 'Confidence interval around POS for imprecise ' 'variants'), 'CIEND': FieldInfo('Integer', 2, 'Confidence interval around END for imprecise ' 'variants'), 'HOMLEN': FieldInfo('Integer', '.', 'Length of base pair identical micro-homology at ' 'event breakpoints'), 'HOMSEQ': FieldInfo('String', '.', 'Sequence of base pair identical micro-homology at ' 'event breakpoints'), 'BKPTID': FieldInfo('String', '.', 'ID of the assembled alternate allele in the ' 'assembly file'), 'MEINFO': FieldInfo('String', 4, 'Mobile element info of the form ' 'NAME,START,END,POLARITY'), 'METRANS': FieldInfo('String', 4, 'Mobile element transduction info of the form ' 'CHR,START,END,POLARITY'), 'DGVID': FieldInfo('String', 1, 'ID of this element in Database of Genomic Variation'), 'DBVARID': FieldInfo('String', 1, 'ID of this element in DBVAR'), 'DBRIPID': FieldInfo('String', 1, 'ID of this element in DBRIP'), 'MATEID': FieldInfo('String', '.', 'ID of mate breakends'), 'PARID': FieldInfo('String', 1, 'ID of partner breakend'), 'EVENT': FieldInfo('String', 1, 'ID of event associated to breakend'), 'CILEN': FieldInfo('Integer', 2, 'Confidence interval around the inserted material ' 'between breakends'), 'DPADJ': FieldInfo('Integer', '.', 'Read Depth of adjacency'), 'CN': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Copy number of segment containing breakend'), 'CNADJ': FieldInfo('Integer', '.', 'Copy number of adjacency'), 'CICN': FieldInfo('Integer', 2, 'Confidence interval around copy number for the ' 'segment'), 'CICNADJ': FieldInfo('Integer', '.', 'Confidence interval around copy number for the ' 'adjacency'), } # Reserved FORMAT keys -------------------------------------------------------- RESERVED_FORMAT = { # VCF v 4.3, Section 1.6.2 'AD': FieldInfo('Integer', 'R', 'Total, per-sample read depth'), 'ADF': FieldInfo('Integer', 'R', 'Forward-strand, per-sample read depth'), 'ADR': FieldInfo('Integer', 'R', 'Reverse-strand, per-sample read depth'), 'DP': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Read depth at this position for this sample'), 'EC': FieldInfo('Integer', 'A', 'Expected alternate allele counts for each alternate ' 'allele'), 'FT': FieldInfo('String', '.', 'Filters applied for this sample'), 'GQ': FieldInfo('Integer', 'G', 'Phred-scale, conditional genotype quality'), 'GP': FieldInfo('Float', 'G', 'Genotype posterior probabilities'), 'GT': FieldInfo('String', 1, 'Genotype call'), 'GL': FieldInfo('Float', 'G', 'Log10-scaled likelihoods for genotypes'), 'HQ': FieldInfo('Integer', 2, 'Haplotype qualities'), 'MQ': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'RMS mapping quality'), 'PL': FieldInfo('Integer', 'G', 'Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods, rounded to integers'), 'PQ': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Phasing quality'), 'PS': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Non-negative 32 bit integer giving phasing set ' 'for this sample and this chromosome'), # VCF v4.3, Section 4 'CN': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Copy number genotype for imprecise events'), 'CNQ': FieldInfo('Float', 1, 'Copy number genotype quality for imprecise events'), 'CNL': FieldInfo('Float', 'G', 'Copy number genotype likelihood for imprecise events'), 'CNP': FieldInfo('Float', 'G', 'Copy number posterior probabilities'), 'NQ': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Phred style probability score that the variant is novel'), 'HAP': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Unique haplotype identifier'), 'AHAP': FieldInfo('Integer', 1, 'Unique identifier of ancestral haplotype'), } # header files to enforce double-quoting for QUOTE_FIELDS = ('Description', 'Source', 'Version')
[docs]def serialize_for_header(key, value): """Serialize value for the given mapping key for a VCF header line""" if key in QUOTE_FIELDS: return json.dumps(value) elif isinstance(value, str): if ' ' in value or '\t' in value: return json.dumps(value) else: return value elif isinstance(value, list): return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(value)) else: return str(value)
[docs]def header_without_lines(header, remove): """Return :py:class:`Header` without lines given in ``remove`` ``remove`` is an iterable of pairs ``key``/``ID`` with the VCF header key and ``ID`` of entry to remove. In the case that a line does not have a ``mapping`` entry, you can give the full value to remove. .. code-block:: python # header is a vcfpy.Header, e.g., as read earlier from file new_header = vcfpy.without_header_lines( header, [('assembly', None), ('FILTER', 'PASS')]) # now, the header lines starting with "##assembly=" and the "PASS" # filter line will be missing from new_header """ remove = set(remove) # Copy over lines that are not removed lines = [] for line in header.lines: if hasattr(line, 'mapping'): if (line.key, line.mapping.get('ID', None)) in remove: continue # filter out else: if (line.key, line.value) in remove: continue # filter out lines.append(line) return Header(lines, header.samples)
[docs]class HeaderLine: """Base class for VCF header lines """ def __init__(self, key, value, warning_helper=WarningHelper()): #: ``str`` with key of header line self.key = key # ``str`` with raw value of header line self._value = value #: Helper for printing warnings self.warning_helper = warning_helper @property def value(self): return self._value
[docs] def serialize(self): """Return VCF-serialized version of this header line""" return ''.join(('##', self.key, '=', self.value))
def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('Unhashable type: HeaderLine') def __str__(self): return 'HeaderLine({}, {})'.format( *map(repr, (self.key, self.value))) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]def mapping_to_str(mapping): """Convert mapping to string""" result = ['<'] for i, (key, value) in enumerate(mapping.items()): if i > 0: result.append(',') result += [key, '=', serialize_for_header(key, value)] result += ['>'] return ''.join(result)
[docs]class SimpleHeaderLine(HeaderLine): """Base class for simple header lines, currently contig and filter header lines Don't use this class directly but rather the sub classes. :raises: :py:class:`vcfpy.exceptions.InvalidHeaderException` in the case of missing key ``"ID"`` """ def __init__(self, key, value, mapping, warning_helper=WarningHelper()): super().__init__(key, value, warning_helper) # check existence of key "ID" if 'ID' not in mapping: raise exceptions.InvalidHeaderException( 'Missing key "ID" in header line "{}={}"'.format( key, value)) #: ``collections.OrderedDict`` with key/value mapping of the attributes self.mapping = OrderedDict(mapping.items()) @property def value(self): return mapping_to_str(self.mapping)
[docs] def serialize(self): return ''.join(map(str, ['##', self.key, '=', self.value]))
def __str__(self): return 'SimpleHeaderLine({}, {}, {})'.format( *map(repr, (self.key, self.value, self.mapping)))
[docs]class AltAlleleHeaderLine(SimpleHeaderLine): """Alternative allele header line Mostly used for defining symbolic alleles for structural variants and IUPAC ambiguity codes """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_mapping(klass, mapping): """Construct from mapping, not requiring the string value""" return AltAlleleHeaderLine('ALT', mapping_to_str(mapping), mapping)
def __init__(self, key, value, mapping, warning_helper=WarningHelper()): super().__init__(key, value, mapping) #: name of the alternative allele = self.mapping['ID'] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('Unhashable type: AltAlleleHeaderLine') def __str__(self): return 'AltAlleleHeaderLine({}, {}, {})'.format( *map(repr, (self.key, self.value, self.mapping)))
[docs]class ContigHeaderLine(SimpleHeaderLine): """Contig header line Most importantly, parses the ``'length'`` key into an integer """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_mapping(klass, mapping): """Construct from mapping, not requiring the string value""" return ContigHeaderLine('contig', mapping_to_str(mapping), mapping)
def __init__(self, key, value, mapping, warning_helper=WarningHelper()): super().__init__(key, value, mapping, warning_helper) # convert 'length' entry to integer if possible if 'length' in self.mapping: mapping['length'] = int(mapping['length']) else: self.warning_helper.warn_once( 'Field "length" not found in header line {}={}'.format( key, value)) #: name of the contig = self.mapping['ID'] #: length of the contig, ``None`` if missing self.length = self.mapping.get('length') def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('Unhashable type: ContigHeaderLine') def __str__(self): return 'ContigHeaderLine({}, {}, {})'.format( *map(repr, (self.key, self.value, self.mapping)))
[docs]class FilterHeaderLine(SimpleHeaderLine): """FILTER header line """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_mapping(klass, mapping): """Construct from mapping, not requiring the string value""" return FilterHeaderLine('FILTER', mapping_to_str(mapping), mapping)
def __init__(self, key, value, mapping, warning_helper=WarningHelper()): super().__init__(key, value, mapping, warning_helper) # check for "Description" key if 'Description' not in self.mapping: self.warning_helper.warn_once( 'Field "Description" not found in header line {}={}'.format( key, value)) #: token for the filter = self.mapping['ID'] #: description for the filter, ``None`` if missing self.description = self.mapping.get('Description') def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('Unhashable type: FilterHeaderLine') def __str__(self): return 'FilterHeaderLine({}, {}, {})'.format( *map(repr, (self.key, self.value, self.mapping)))
[docs]class MetaHeaderLine(SimpleHeaderLine): """Alternative allele header line Used for defining set of valid values for samples keys """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_mapping(klass, mapping): """Construct from mapping, not requiring the string value""" return MetaHeaderLine('META', mapping_to_str(mapping), mapping)
def __init__(self, key, value, mapping, warning_helper=WarningHelper()): super().__init__(key, value, mapping) #: name of the alternative allele = self.mapping['ID'] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('Unhashable type: MetaHeaderLine') def __str__(self): return 'MetaHeaderLine({}, {}, {})'.format( *map(repr, (self.key, self.value, self.mapping)))
[docs]class PedigreeHeaderLine(SimpleHeaderLine): """Header line for defining a pedigree entry """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_mapping(klass, mapping): """Construct from mapping, not requiring the string value""" return PedigreeHeaderLine('PEDIGREE', mapping_to_str(mapping), mapping)
def __init__(self, key, value, mapping, warning_helper=WarningHelper()): super().__init__(key, value, mapping) #: name of the alternative allele = self.mapping['ID'] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('Unhashable type: PedigreeHeaderLine') def __str__(self): return 'PedigreeHeaderLine({}, {}, {})'.format( *map(repr, (self.key, self.value, self.mapping)))
[docs]class SampleHeaderLine(SimpleHeaderLine): """Header line for defining a SAMPLE entry """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_mapping(klass, mapping): """Construct from mapping, not requiring the string value""" return SampleHeaderLine('SAMPLE', mapping_to_str(mapping), mapping)
def __init__(self, key, value, mapping, warning_helper=WarningHelper()): super().__init__(key, value, mapping) #: name of the alternative allele = self.mapping['ID'] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('Unhashable type: SampleHeaderLine') def __str__(self): return 'SampleHeaderLine({}, {}, {})'.format( *map(repr, (self.key, self.value, self.mapping)))
[docs]class CompoundHeaderLine(HeaderLine): """Base class for compound header lines, currently format and header lines Compound header lines describe fields that can have more than one entry. Don't use this class directly but rather the sub classes. """ def __init__(self, key, value, mapping, warning_helper=WarningHelper()): super().__init__(key, value) #: OrderedDict with key/value mapping self.mapping = OrderedDict(mapping.items()) # check that 'Number' is given and use "." otherwise if 'Number' not in self.mapping: print(('[vcfpy] WARNING: missing number, using ' 'unbounded/"." instead'), file=sys.stderr) self.mapping['Number'] = '.' try: self.mapping['Number'] = self._parse_number( self.mapping['Number']) except ValueError: print(('[vcfpy] WARNING: invalid number {}, using ' 'unbounded/"." instead').format(self.mapping['Number']), file=sys.stderr) self.mapping['Number'] = '.' @classmethod def _parse_number(klass, number): """Parse ``number`` into an ``int`` or return ``number`` if a valid expression for a INFO/FORMAT "Number". :param str number: ``str`` to parse and check """ try: return int(number) except ValueError as e: if number in VALID_NUMBERS: return number else: raise e @property def value(self): return mapping_to_str(self.mapping)
[docs] def serialize(self): return ''.join(map(str, ['##', self.key, '=', self.value]))
def __str__(self): return 'CompoundHeaderLine({}, {}, {})'.format( *map(repr, (self.key, self.value, self.mapping)))
[docs]class InfoHeaderLine(CompoundHeaderLine): """Header line for INFO fields Note that the ``Number`` field will be parsed into an ``int`` if possible. Otherwise, the constants ``HEADER_NUMBER_*`` will be used. """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_mapping(klass, mapping): """Construct from mapping, not requiring the string value""" return InfoHeaderLine('INFO', mapping_to_str(mapping), mapping)
def __init__(self, key, value, mapping, warning_helper=WarningHelper()): super().__init__(key, value, mapping) #: key in the INFO field = self.mapping['ID'] # check for "Number" field self.number = self.mapping['Number'] # check for "Type" field type_ = self.mapping.get('Type') if 'Type' not in self.mapping: self.warning_helper.warn_once( ('Field "Type" not found in header line, using String ' 'instead {}={}').format(key, value)) type_ = 'String' if 'Type' in self.mapping and type_ not in INFO_TYPES: self.warning_helper.warn_once( ('Invalid INFO value type {} in header line, using String ' 'instead, {}={}').format(self.mapping['Type'], key, value)) type_ = 'String' #: value type self.type = type_ # check for "Description" key if 'Description' not in self.mapping: self.warning_helper.warn_once( 'Field "Description" not found in header line {}={}'.format( key, value)) #: description, should be given, ``None`` if not given self.description = self.mapping.get('Description') #: source of INFO field, ``None`` if not given self.source = self.mapping.get('Source') #: version of INFO field, ``None`` if not given self.version = self.mapping.get('Version') def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('Unhashable type: InfoHeaderLine') def __str__(self): return 'InfoHeaderLine({}, {}, {})'.format( *map(repr, (self.key, self.value, self.mapping)))
[docs]class FormatHeaderLine(CompoundHeaderLine): """Header line for FORMAT fields """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_mapping(klass, mapping): """Construct from mapping, not requiring the string value""" return FormatHeaderLine('FORMAT', mapping_to_str(mapping), mapping)
def __init__(self, key, value, mapping, warning_helper=WarningHelper()): super().__init__(key, value, mapping) #: key in the INFO field = self.mapping['ID'] # check for "Number" field self.number = self.mapping['Number'] # check for "Type" field type_ = self.mapping.get('Type') if 'Type' not in self.mapping: self.warning_helper.warn_once( ('Field "Type" not found in header line, using String ' 'instead {}={}').format(key, value)) type_ = 'String' if 'Type' in self.mapping and type_ not in FORMAT_TYPES: self.warning_helper.warn_once( ('Invalid INFO value type {} in header line, using String ' 'instead, {}={}').format(self.mapping['Type'], key, value)) type_ = 'String' #: value type self.type = type_ # check for "Description" key if 'Description' not in self.mapping: self.warning_helper.warn_once( 'Field "Description" not found in header line {}={}'.format( key, value)) #: description, should be given, ``None`` if not given self.description = self.mapping.get('Description') #: source of INFO field, ``None`` if not given self.source = self.mapping.get('Source') #: version of INFO field, ``None`` if not given self.version = self.mapping.get('Version') def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('Unhashable type: FormatHeaderLine') def __str__(self): return 'FormatHeaderLine({}, {}, {})'.format( *map(repr, (self.key, self.value, self.mapping)))
[docs]class SamplesInfos: """Helper class for handling and mapping of sample names to numeric indices """ def __init__(self, sample_names): #: list of sample names self.names = list(sample_names) #: mapping from sample name to index self.name_to_idx = dict([ (name, idx) for idx, name in enumerate(self.names)]) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): raise TypeError('Unhashable type: SamplesInfos') def __str__(self): tpl = 'SamplesInfos(names={}, name_to_idx={})' return tpl.format(self.names, pprint.pformat( self.name_to_idx, width=10**10)) def __repr__(self): return str(self)