Source code for vcfpy.writer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Writing of VCF files to ``file``-like objects

Currently, only writing to plain-text files is supported

from . import parser
from . import record
from . import bgzf

__author__ = 'Manuel Holtgrewe <>'

[docs]def format_atomic(value): """Format atomic value This function also takes care of escaping the value in case one of the reserved characters occurs in the value. """ # Perform escaping if isinstance(value, str): if any(r in value for r in record.RESERVED_CHARS): for k, v in record.ESCAPE_MAPPING: value = value.replace(k, v) # String-format the given value if value is None: return '.' else: return str(value)
[docs]def format_value(field_info, value): """Format possibly compound value given the FieldInfo""" if field_info.number == 1: if value is None: return '.' else: return format_atomic(value) else: if not value: return '.' else: return ','.join(map(format_atomic, value))
[docs]class Writer: """Class for writing VCF files to ``file``-like objects Instead of using the constructor, use the class methods :py:meth:`~Writer.from_stream` and :py:meth:`~Writer.from_path`. The writer has to be constructed with a :py:class:`~vcfpy.header.Header` and a :py:class:`~vcfpy.header.SamplesInfos` object and the full VCF header will be written immediately on construction. This, of course, implies that modifying the header after construction is illegal. """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_stream(klass, stream, header, samples, path=None, use_bgzf=None): """Create new :py:class:`Writer` from file Note that for getting bgzf support, you have to pass in a stream opened in binary mode. Further, you either have to provide a ``path`` ending in ``".gz"`` or set ``use_bgzf=True``. Otherwise, you will get the notorious "TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface". :param stream: ``file``-like object to write to :param header: VCF header to use :param samples: SamplesInfos to use :param path: optional string with path to store (for display only) :param use_bgzf: indicator whether to write bgzf to ``stream`` if ``True``, prevent if ``False``, interpret ``path`` if ``None`` """ if use_bgzf or (use_bgzf is None and path and path.endswith('.gz')): stream = bgzf.BgzfWriter(fileobj=stream) return Writer(stream, header, samples, path)
[docs] def from_path(klass, path, header, samples): """Create new :py:class:`Writer` from path :param path: the path to load from (converted to ``str`` for compatibility with ````) :param header: VCF header to use :param samples: SamplesInfos to use """ path = str(path) use_bgzf = False # we already interpret path if path.endswith('.gz'): f = bgzf.BgzfWriter(filename=path) else: f = open(path, 'wt') return klass.from_stream(f, header, samples, path, use_bgzf=use_bgzf)
def __init__(self, stream, header, samples, path=None): #: stream (``file``-like object) to read from = stream #: the :py:class:~vcfpy.header.Header` written out self.header = header #: the :py:class:~vcfpy.header.SamplesInfos` written out self.samples = samples #: optional ``str`` with the path to the stream self.path = path # write out headers self._write_header() def _write_header(self): """Write out the header""" for line in self.header.lines: print(line.serialize(), if self.samples.names: print('\t'.join( list(parser.REQUIRE_SAMPLE_HEADER) + self.samples.names), else: print('\t'.join( parser.REQUIRE_NO_SAMPLE_HEADER),
[docs] def close(self): """Close underlying stream"""
[docs] def write_record(self, record): """Write out the given :py:class:`vcfpy.record.Record` to this Writer""" self._serialize_record(record)
def _serialize_record(self, record): """Serialize whole Record""" f = self._empty_to_dot row = [record.CHROM, record.POS] row.append(f(';'.join(record.ID))) row.append(f(record.REF)) if not record.ALT: row.append('.') else: row.append(','.join([f(a.value) for a in record.ALT])) row.append(f(record.QUAL)) row.append(f(';'.join(record.FILTER))) row.append(f(self._serialize_info(record))) row.append(':'.join(record.FORMAT)) row += [self._serialize_call(record.FORMAT, c) for c in record.calls] print(*row, sep='\t', def _serialize_info(self, record): """Return serialized version of record.INFO""" result = [] for key, value in record.INFO.items(): info = self.header.get_info_field_info(key) if info.type == 'Flag': result.append(key) else: result.append('{}={}'.format(key, format_value(info, value))) return ';'.join(result) def _serialize_call(self, format_, call): """Return serialized version of the Call using the record's FORMAT'""" result = [format_value(self.header.get_format_field_info(key),[key]) for key in format_] return ':'.join(result) @classmethod def _empty_to_dot(klass, val): """Return val or '.' if empty value""" if val == '' or val is None or val == []: return '.' else: return val def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): self.close()