Source code for vcfpy.record

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Code for representing a VCF record

The VCF record structure is modeled after the one of PyVCF

#: Code for single nucleotide variant
#: Code for a multi nucleotide variant
#: Code for "clean" deletion
#: Code for "clean" insertion
#: Code for indel, includes substitutions of unequal length
#: Code for structural variant
SV = 'SV'
#: Code for break-end
#: Code for symbolic allele that is neither SV nor BND

#: Codes for structural variants
SV_CODES = ('DEL', 'INS', 'DUP', 'INV', 'CNV')

[docs]class Record: """Represent one record from the VCF file Record objects are iterators of their calls """ def __init__(self, CHROM, POS, ID, REF, ALT, QUAL, FILTER, INFO, FORMAT, calls): #: A ``str`` with the chromosome name self.CHROM = CHROM #: An ``int`` with a 1-based begin position self.POS = POS #: An ``int`` with a 0-based begin position self.begin = POS - 1 #: An ``int`` with a 0-based end position self.end = None # XXX #: A list of the semicolon-separated values of the ID column self.ID = list(ID) #: A ``str`` with the REF value self.REF = REF #: A list of alternative allele records of type :py:class:`AltRecord` self.ALT = list(ALT) #: The quality value, can be ``None`` self.QUAL = QUAL #: A list of strings for the FILTER column self.FILTER = FILTER #: An OrderedDict giving the values of the INFO column, flags are #: mapped to ``True`` self.INFO = INFO #: A list of strings for the FORMAT column self.FORMAT = FORMAT #: A list of genotype :py:class:`Call` objects self.calls = list(calls) for call in self.calls: = self #: A mapping from sample name to entry in self.calls self.call_for_sample = {call.sample: call for call in self.calls}
[docs] def add_filter(self, label): """Add label to FILTER if not set yet""" if label not in self.FILTER: self.FILTER.append(label)
[docs] def add_format(self, key, value=None): """Add an entry to format The record's calls ``data[key]`` will be set to ``value`` if not yet set and value is not ``None``. If key is already in FORMAT then nothing is done. """ if key in self.FORMAT: return self.FORMAT.append(key) if value is not None: for call in self:, value)
def __iter__(self): """Return generator yielding from ``self.calls``""" yield from self.calls def __str__(self): tpl = 'Record({})' lst = [self.CHROM, self.POS, self.ID, self.REF, self.ALT, self.QUAL, self.FILTER, self.INFO, self.FORMAT, self.calls] return tpl.format(', '.join(map(repr, lst))) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class Call: """The information for a genotype callable By VCF, this should always include the genotype information and can contain an arbitrary number of further annotation, e.g., the coverage at the variant position. """ def __init__(self, sample, data, site=None): #: the name of the sample for which the call was made self.sample = sample #: an OrderedDict with the key/value pair information from the #: call's data = data #: the :py:class:`Record` of this :py:class:`Call` = site @property def gt_bases(self): """Return the actual genotype alleles, e.g. if VCF genotype is 0/1, could return A/T""" raise NotImplementedError('Implement me!') @property def gt_type(self): """The type of genotype, mapping is - hom_ref = 0 - het = 1 - hom_alt = 2 (which alt is untracked) - uncalled = ``None`` """ raise NotImplementedError('Implement me!') @property def is_filtered(self): """Return ``True`` for filtered calls""" raise NotImplementedError('Implement me!') @property def is_het(self): """Return ``True`` for filtered calls""" raise NotImplementedError('Implement me!') @property def is_variant(self): """Return ``True`` for filtered calls""" raise NotImplementedError('Implement me!') @property def is_phased(self): """Return ``True`` for phased calls""" raise NotImplementedError('Implement me!') def __str__(self): tpl = 'Call({})' lst = [self.sample,] return tpl.format(', '.join(map(repr, lst))) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class AltRecord: """An alternative allele Record Currently, can be a substitution, an SV placeholder, or breakend """ def __init__(self, type_=None): #: String describing the type of the variant, could be one of #: SNV, MNV, could be any of teh types described in the ALT #: header lines, such as DUP, DEL, INS, ... self.type = type_
[docs]class Substitution(AltRecord): """A basic alternative allele record describing a REF->AltRecord substitution Note that this subsumes MNVs, insertions, and deletions. """ def __init__(self, type_, value): super().__init__(type_) #: The alternative base sequence to use in the substitution self.value = value def __str__(self): tpl = 'Substitution(type_={}, value={})' return tpl.format(*map(repr, [self.type, self.value])) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class SV(AltRecord): """A placeholder for an SV For SVs, simply the ``type`` is written out as ``"<type>"`` as alternative """ def __init__(self, type_, value): super().__init__(type_) #: The alternative base sequence to use in the substitution self.value = value def __str__(self): tpl = 'Substitution(type_={}, value={})' return tpl.format(*map(repr, [self.type, self.value])) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class BreakEnd(AltRecord): """A placeholder for a breakend""" def __init__(self, type_, value): super().__init__(type_) #: The alternative base sequence to use in the substitution self.value = value def __str__(self): tpl = 'Substitution(type_={}, value={})' return tpl.format(*map(repr, [self.type, self.value])) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class SingleBreakEnd(AltRecord): """A placeholder for a single breakend""" def __init__(self, type_, value): super().__init__(type_) #: The alternative base sequence to use in the substitution self.value = value def __str__(self): tpl = 'Substitution(type_={}, value={})' return tpl.format(*map(repr, [self.type, self.value])) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class SymbolicAllele(AltRecord): """A placeholder for a symbolic allele""" def __init__(self, type_, value): super().__init__(type_) #: The alternative base sequence to use in the substitution self.value = value def __str__(self): tpl = 'Substitution(type_={}, value={})' return tpl.format(*map(repr, [self.type, self.value])) def __repr__(self): return str(self)